That's right - Doc and Tom have hung up the mics in February 2012, but our archive of approximately THREE HUNDRED radio shows, featuring unique and still-relevant interviews, news stories and links will remain available for truth-seekers and researchers for some time to come, FREE OF CHARGE for your enjoyment and benefit. If you would like to help us with the costs of keeping this available, please donate at the link in the right column on this page, or purchase any of the books listed below (both of which are still available), or snag some eye-catching Future Quake gear at the link below! Also, check this site occasionally for notices of the new books Doc Future will be releasing in the future, or the appearances and other announcements of Doc and Tom! Drop us a line at the email address to the right to let us know what you think about our shows, and keep us posted on you.
Thank you, all "Futurian" listeners, for your years of support to Future Quake!
Dr. Future's First Long-Awaited First Book is Now Available!
Since departing Future Quake in early 2012, Dr. Future (J. Michael Bennett, Ph.D) has been busy writing a long number of manuscripts, which comprise his 12+ volume Holy War Chronicles book series. However, in the fall of 2018, he began writing on his blog, The Two Spies Report, about the spiritual crossroads of American Christians the last few years, and collecting background data on the little-known historical influences that led to this situation. His buddy Adam Sayne at the Conspirinormal podcast and some other Futurian friends said he should go on and publish this work now during the current political cycle, because of its relevance. Thus, by the end of March 2020, the first of three volumes of the Two Masters and Two Gospels book series, subtitled, The Teaching of Jesus Vs. the "Leaven of the Pharisees" of Talk Radio and Cable News, will be available to the public at in paperback and in ebook forms through Kindle. Soon thereafter it should be available at Barnes and Noble (online), and other online venues shortly afterwards. Volume 2 is also planned for release before the end of the year. Keep updated on his release dates, interviews and articles, at his publishing site Akribos Press and Mike Bennett Books!
As can be seen in the above entry, Dr. Future (J. Michael Bennett, Ph.D) has "gone underground" since his departure from Future Quake in early 2012, popping up rarely on a friend or two's podcasts. However, in between his research and drafting of his main book manuscripts (now starting to be officially published), in recent years he has hosted a rarely-updated blog site called "The Two Spies Report", named after Joshua and Caleb in the Bible, an intended to further Dr. Future's call to produce a "Christian Minority Report," which posits the thesis that some views are not necessary wrong, just because "the crowd" is not following them! It features views and topics even more provocative and controversial than the old Future Quake shows, and exhibits his latest thinking on issues and events of the day! While his intimidating and demanding book writing and research mission takes up the bulk of his attention, keep an eye on the blog to find his latest views on current topics, which might form the nucleus of future book writing projects! All Futurians, drop in and give some comments there and let us know what YOU are thinking! |
Get Your "Future Quake" Shirts, Mugs, Bumper Stickers and Posters To Help Support The Show!
After long (and overdue) demand from Futurians (and much development, and help from Futurians Von, Bob, Terry and Joshua), the"Future Quake" Memorabilia "Zazzle" Store
is now up and running! You can now purchase over 30 different designs of shirts, all in dark or light colors, as either a T-shirt (long or short sleeve), sweatshirt, "hoodie" or other (specify for each design, and size), six different types of bumper stickers and coffee mugs (specify small or big mug, travel mug or ceramic stein), our classic "Future Quake" mural from the sides of the Futuremobile (specify size), and even a dog sweater designed by Pyro! Sporting this gear will help "spread the word" of Future Quake and lead others to our archived shows, and $1 to $3 of each purchase helps pay the Internet fees to keep the Future Quake site and shows online to help others indefinitely!
Click Here or On The Pictures Above To Check Out Our "Zazzle" Store and Pick Out Your Goodies! |
On February 26, 2011 Doctor Future and Tom led some local friends and Futurians, and fellow Christians around the world, into a formal prayer interceding for America's Christian media and other national leadership, outside the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN, who were convening inside the hotel at the National Religious Broadcaster's Convention. The prayer asked for protection, blessing and for discernment for America's Christian leadership, and that they might be aware of, and burdened by issues that to date they have not addressed. The hosts were joined in unity on site by eleven Futurist friends (with two from Louisville, KY), with all of them referred to hereafter in history as the "NRB Thirteen".
The prepared prayer they recited can be downloaded at the following link: INTERCESSORY PRAYER
Thanks for everyone, for their support and prayers of very sort. We'll see what God does next in the Christian community, and let's be praying about what God wants us to do next!
If you want to see photos from the NRB Prayer event, please go to our "Photos" page here at our site, or click the following link: PHOTOS OF NRB PRAYER EVENT
If you would like to see the video of the prayer event itself, just click on the following link to the new Future Quake YouTube page Futurian Bro. Charles has set up for us: YOUTUBE PAGE FOR FUTURE QUAKE
Our buddy Tom Bionic has started a special blog page, just about the Future Quake radio show, and the topics discussed on the show! It is a forum for Tom to wax philosophical about these meaty matters, and provide some additional background research and commentary on these and related subjects, on a regular basis. Additional content will be added, like links to the stories we discuss in "Tomorrow's Tremors"! Doc will be dropping by occasionally as well.
To visit Tom's "Future Quake Radio" blog, click on this highlighted link:FUTURE QUAKE RADIO BLOG and catch up on more detailed background information about our show topics, and post your own comments and information!
Futurians, please join your fellow "Future Quake" fans at the "World of Prophecy" Internet forum. Our loyal friends there have a special forum sub-board called "Future Quake Discussions" within the "Guest Lounge" board in their forum. A thread is started for every Future Quake show, for you to critique the show, and share your thoughts with fellow believers and afficionados! Make some new friends there, give your two cents on each topic, and meet the good Doctor and Tom on the board regularly! To go to the "world of Prophecy" web site and forum, just click on their logo below: ,
The "manga/anime"-style illustration of Doctor Future above was forwarded by show fan Daniel Breton. It has all the "right" stuff - glasses and goatee, the Future Quake "seismograph" emblem on the vest, an hourglass amulet around the waist (look closely), and even the "Power of Information and Activism" emanating from the good Doctor's hand! This illustrates our fight against ignorance, misinformation, apathy, deceit, laziness and exploitation. The only criticism I would offer is that Mr. Breton largely understated Doctor Future's actual muscular build and general "buffness". If you would like Mr. Breton to design a similar graphic illustration for your needs, drop us an email. We can't wait to see the image of the "cyborg" Tom Bionic!
Past Shows - Streaming or
Downloadable .mp3s
(click on "Past Shows" Tab Above)
Futurian emailers tell us that they are really blessed by the Future Quake ministry, and occasionally tell us that they ask would like to donate to our ministry, and would like to know how. For the six years we have been doing the weekly and daily Future Quake shows, we have been an all-volunteer ministry, and to date have covered the show/ministry expenses "out of pocket". However, due to the many requests we get, we have added below a Paypal "Donate" button for those who felt led by God to contribute to our ministry. We are not registered with the government as a charity, so any donations are not considered tax deductible (and we will pay taxes on any funds received, if appropriate). Any donations that are given will be used to offset our modest ministry and show expenses, such as monthly Internet website fees, interview Skype costs, books purchased for interviews, conference travel expenses, equipment replacement, etc.
If you feel led to donate, don't forget to support ministries in your local community and worldwide missions via your local church, and other worthwhile Christian ministries that are doing the Lord's work in other areas. Here is the link to donate to Future Quake:
Thank you so much for all the support you provide in encouraging emails and prayers as well as donations, and as always, our weekly and daily shows (as well as six years of shows in the archives) are all free of charge, and will stay that way - please circulate them around!
Dr. Future and Tom Bionic are active at Calvary Chapel Rivergate, on Long Hollow Pike in Goodlettsville, TN. If you would like to know more about this Bible-believing church, please click on the church photo below:
Some of you may know that our own Tom Bionic is a world-class musician! He has played fiddle for a number of famous bluegrass bands. If you would like to hear and obtain some of his musical masterpieces, the buttons below lead you to a Paypal portal to get his enjoyable CD, which is pictured below ("Mike Tatar" is his stage persona). Let us know what you think about it - it makes a great gift for Christmas!
